Frequently Asked Questions

  • Measure S, on the November 5, 2024 ballot, will provide funding to repair aging classrooms and labs at all RBUSD school facilities. Voting yes on S will provide locally controlled funding to repair and upgrade local schools so all students attend class safe, strong Redondo Beach schools.

  • While RBUSD schools have served the community well for decades, the average age of our local schools is over 70 years old. While some upgrades have been made to school sites, many still remain in need of modernization. Many school facilities are deteriorating and no longer meet safety and instructional standards. Because the state does not provide funding for facilities, local schools cannot update classrooms and labs to support quality education without local funding.

  • Voting YES on S will:

    • Replace deteriorating roofs

    • Repair outdated plumbing, sewer systems and HVAC systems

    • Replace aging portable classrooms to support quality instruction to prepare students for college and 21st century careers

    • Improve school technology and safety with secure entries, enhanced cameras, PA and security systems

  • Measure S includes strict fiscal accountability protections, including:

    • All Measure S funds are locally controlled and cannot be taken by the State

    • No funds can be spent on administrator or staff salaries

    • Public disclosure of all spending, an independent citizens’ oversight committee and annual audits ensures all funds are spent as promised

    • Measure S is the only way Redondo Beach schools qualify for state matching funds that would otherwise go to schools in neighboring communities

  • Yes. In 2012, Redondo Beach voters generously approved Measure Q, a $63 million bond measure. Measure Q allowed the District invest in modern technology and solar energy with a smaller amount going toward building infrastructure. While much has been accomplished since the passage of Measure Q, many classrooms and school facilities are still in need of repair.

  • No. By law, no funds from Measure S can be used for operating expense, including administrator salaries and pensions.

  • Measure S will provide $278 million in locally controlled funding for repairs and upgrades to Redondo Beach schools. The cost of Measure S would be limited to $29.95 per $100,000 of assessed (not market) value.

  • The cost of bond measures is based on the assessed value of properties. The assessed value of a property is based on the original purchase price and may not increase by more than 2% a year, while the market value tends to grow at a much faster rate based on market conditions. Thus, the assessed value is usually much lower than the market value, especially if a property was purchased long ago at a much lower price than it could be purchased for today. It is this lower assessed value upon which the cost of Measure S is based.

  • Yes. All funds from Measure S will benefit Redondo Beach schools only. No funds can be taken by the State or used for other purposes.

  • Whether or not you have school-age children, supporting quality education is a wise investment. Good schools improve the quality of life in our community and protects the value of our homes.

  • Measure S will be on the November 5, 2024 ballot. All registered voters within the Redondo Beach Unified School District will receive a ballot by mail in early October. You can vote by mail, drop your ballot in a drop box, or vote in person at a designated vote center. As soon as you receive your ballot, please vote YES on Measure S and return it right away.

  • At least 55% of those voters who cast a ballot on Measure S must vote “Yes” in order for the measure to be approved.

  • To learn more about Measure S, you can visit

  • You can register to vote at To find out more about voting in this election, please contact the Los Angeles County Registrar of voters at or by calling (800) 851-2666.

  • Our campaign is a grassroots organization of parents, teachers and other community leaders dedicated to passing Measure S for local students. Some ways you can help pass Measure S include donating to the campaign, displaying a YES on S lawn sign at your home and adding your name to our list of Measure S supporters!